ADB’s Newest Kitchen and Bath Expert: Heather Marcet-Henderson

We are pleased to have Heather Marcet-Henderson, AKBD (Associate Kitchen and Bath Designer), as our Design and Sales Consultant and part of the ADB family: she has been with us for nearly a year! Heather is originally from San Diego, but her father was in the military, so they moved frequently. She relocated to Georgia in 1997 to attend The Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD), and now resides in Kennesaw with her husband and son. Heather earned a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology before she decided to study design, and she received a Master of Arts in Interior Design from SCAD.

In addition to her extensive education, Heather has a strong background in design. In the past, she has worked as a designer of model homes and clubhouses, a design representative for a tile company and a design studio manager for a new home builder. Heather has also worked as a private designer. As our Design and Sales Consultant, she works with clients making selections for cabinetry, countertops, tile, plumbing fixtures, etc. and choosing space planning design options for kitchens and baths. She does everything from drawing kitchen and bath layouts in Chief Architect to suggesting various organizational features for increased functionality.

A Solid Team with Integrity

Heather met Dale, and other ADB team members, 8 years ago when she worked with us on a client’s home where Dale was the contractor. She was applying for a job and called Dale to see if he could give her a reference. He said that he needed to hire someone with her skill set. The timing of their conversation was serendipitous, and it all happened organically. When Heather had previously met Dale, and other members of the ADB team, she thought it would be great to work with us—according to her, it has been great!

Her favorite part about being a member of the ADB family is that “ADB is a good, solid team of people. The level of integrity that Dale has matches my own personal level of integrity.”

Continue reading ADB’s Newest Kitchen and Bath Expert: Heather Marcet-Henderson
Wellborn, red color trend modern kitchen

Color Trends for Your Remodeled Kitchen

Expressing your personality is often ignored when it comes to updating your home’s kitchen. While white is classic, and a go-to color for many kitchen remodels, it is not your only option. When you decide to remodel your kitchen, consider playing with a color trends. Moody and jewel tone color trends in the kitchen are huge for 2020. Your kitchen is more than just a place for preparing meals, it’s a room for chatting, entertaining, and the place where kids may get a snack and do their homework after school. Because your kitchen is one of the most used rooms in the home, the color palette you use can contribute to your mood.

Playing it Safe or Customizing Your Forever Home

If you aren’t planning to stay in your home for at least the next five years, you may want to consider the resale value of your home before using any finishes or color trends that are currently popular. Safer color choices are better for resale value but consider using a pop of color on your island cabinets or other accents in a smaller area. If you really want to play with color, choose areas that are easily changed or accent furnishings. Remember, don’t pick a color just because it’s in style: use colors that you love!  

There are so many spaces within your kitchen to use color. Your walls can always be painted in whatever shade you like, but think cabinetry, countertops, tile backsplashes, statement appliances and more!

  • Cabinetry: Use neutrals or consider having a colorful island with neutral cabinets.
  • Countertops: Countertops can be a great place for a pop of color. Countertop finishes are available in many color varieties depending on materials and tastes.
  • Backsplashes: Super colorful and patterned backsplashes are not very popular right now, but using a bold, solid, color tile for a backsplash is a huge trend.
  • Statement appliances: New colorful appliances make a great centerpiece in your brand-new kitchen. While they can come with a hefty price tag, they are more easily swapped out than cabinetry if you get bored or want to sell your home. Many of these appliances are also high-end and can last a lifetime. Some options are even being designed with removable front-pieces so that you can simply swap out the color.
Continue reading Color Trends for Your Remodeled Kitchen

Accessible Kitchen Design Considerations

Universal Design aims to provide useable space planning for people of all abilities and ages. Another growing trend is Inclusive design which is similarly creating spaces that are more accessible to everyone. Accessibility options can also be highly personalized for individuals with specific needs. Imagine a world where any guest could feel comfortable using your home? Also, when choosing to remain in your existing home as you age, accessible design is an important consideration.

One of the most important rooms to consider when creating accessibility is the kitchen. Being able to safely prepare and clean up after meals is one of the primary considerations of the accessible kitchen. Mobility is usually an important concern for current and future needs. The following measurements are ideal for accessibility to all. Hardware and fixtures can also improve functionality. Accessible kitchens can include design details that accommodate children too, as universal design wants people of all ages to have greater accessibility.

Facets of Your Accessible Kitchen: Mobility and Convenience

Doorways and Clearance: Between 36-42” wide, with pocket doors, or swing clear hinges, and lever door handles. Clearance for a pass-through kitchen is 40” while U-shaped layouts require 60” of clearance.

Cabinets: Cabinet height can be individualized, but motorized, adjustable cabinets are the ultimate in universal design in a kitchen for multiple users. Swing up doors with hinges at the top and touch open doors are ideal for accessible kitchens. Lower cabinetry like a lazy Susan, or cabinets with pull outs, can help keep users from having to lean down into cabinetry to reach items. 

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miniamlist kitchen, appliance garage

ADB & The Minimalist Kitchen

Does your kitchen need to be updated—not only for the latest trends in countertops or cabinets— but for the most functional workflow? Minimalist kitchens are increasing in popularity due to their amazing functionality and easy maintenance. We appreciate facets of the design and build process that keep in mind that the clients’ most precious asset is often their time. Here are some of the ways a low-maintenance minimalist kitchen can save you time.  

Everything is Streamlined and at Your Fingertips

We can replace upper cabinetry with open shelving to display objects you love and use daily. While maintaining the staged look of elaborate open shelving can be somewhat labor intensive, the ease of use is wonderful—and you can keep it simple. Everything you frequently use can be easily reached without opening a cabinet. Lower drawers and cabinets can hold most of your kitchen items, whether it is deep drawer storage, with dividers, or a full pantry wall, kitchen storage has come a long way. New and versatile kitchen storage can be one of the most exciting aspects of a kitchen remodel. Not only is lower cabinet storage often more organized, it is easily reachable. No more standing on a step stool to reach items in a high cabinet.  

Minimize Clutter & Clear the Countertops

Minimalist kitchen, appliance garage with Kitchenaid mixer
This appliance garage keeps your stand mixer close enough for easy use, while stowing it neatly away.

We suggest carefully evaluating which countertop appliances to keep in a minimalist kitchen. If you have not used an appliance in the past year, donate it or dispose of it. Don’t waste precious space on gadgets you do not actually use. Stow countertop appliances in appliance garages! Corner cabinets can be conveniently designed with outlets and you only have to open a cabinet door to access small appliances. This way your countertop stays clear when appliances like blenders, toasters, coffee makers, and slow cookers are not in use.

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Do Industry Awards Factor into Your Choice of Design/Build Company?

Maybe you’ve spent hours, or even weeks, doing online research on different design/build firms, searching for a reliable company to entrust with your remodeling or residential construction project. If you are wondering how to find a talented and dependable contractor, consider whether or not they have won industry awards. Why do awards matter in the construction industry?

Industry Awards Point to True Quality Workmanship

Awards attest to a company’s solid craftsmanship. Rather than just being capable of making something look good, award-winning contractors are able to demonstrate quality workmanship that is built to last. They tend to use quality materials as well. Generally, when contractors submit projects for industry awards, they are required to disclose what materials were used and show the methods they used to complete the project. 

Awards Indicate Innovative Design Solutions

A design/build company that wins industry awards tends to create innovative design solutions to resolve their clients’ issues with functionality. Whether it’s changing a room’s layout entirely for better flow or building an addition that blends seamlessly with an existing home—well wrought design solutions enhance the homeowner’s existing home as well as their lifestyle. It takes great skill and experience to conceive and properly execute building plans considering both form and function.

Industry Award Winners are Vetted by a Third Party

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infrared sauna in master bath

Infrared Saunas for the Home Spa

Spa like bathrooms have been all the rage for a while, but some homeowners have taken home wellness to the next level with the installation of infrared saunas. These compact saunas are perfect for including in your remodeled master bath or other retreat. Why are saunas such a boon to wellness?

Here are some of the benefits infrared saunas can offer:

This custom infrared sauna was part of our 2019 CotY award-winning residential bathroom remodel $75,000-$100,000
  • Relaxation: Not only do your muscles feel more relaxed from the heat, but your time in your home sauna can be a welcome retreat from your day to day stresses. You can use your time in the sauna for peaceful meditation or simply quiet relaxation away from your everyday stressors.
  • Sweat: Sweating is detoxifying and can aid weight loss and lead to clearer, more youthful, skin.
  • Heart Health: Decreased blood pressure. Due to vasodilation that occurs in blood vessels, saunas can actually lower blood pressure. Studies have found that taking saunas can regulate an irregular heart rate and improve circulation by raising heart rate.
  • Pain Relief: Improvement of inflammation is one benefit of infrared saunas. Heat penetrates the muscles and leads to an increase in relaxation. Saunas are particularly helpful at easing post-workout soreness.

Infrared Sauna Precautions:

This Health Mate sauna is custom crafted from Canadian western red cedar & uses radiant heat.
  • Consult your physician before beginning to take saunas, especially if you are on blood pressure medications or have heart problems. Saunas can lower blood pressure.
  • Hydrate before entering the sauna and upon leaving slowly drink several glasses of water.
  • Do not take saunas if you’re pregnant or trying to conceive (this includes men who are trying to conceive).
  • Do not drink alcohol or take any mind-altering medications before taking a sauna.
  • If you are ill or have a fever, do not use a sauna.
Continue reading Infrared Saunas for the Home Spa